why hire interior designer

When and Why Should You Hire an Interior Designer

If you have recently moved into a new house, I am sure you have considered hiring an interior designer. I know it can also feel quite intimidating to hire a professional for some people. Perhaps, you feel like your budget doesn’t allow you to pay for an interior designer’s fee on top of the overall cost of home interiors. Or you may worry that you may end up working with someone who will probably not understand your style and vision.

Here’s a designer to help you come out of your dilemma and decide for yourself when and why you should hire an interior designer.

1.    When you’re moving into your new house

It is an overwhelming experience to move into a new house. A designer can help you in selecting and finalizing the much-needed interior elements, such as lighting, wall treatments, furniture setup, etc.

Moving to new house

You’re already taking care of a lot of things. It’s best to leave the designing aspect to the expert.

2.   When you have a modest or a strict budget

Contrary to popular belief, you MUST hire an interior designer when you have a fixed budget. They can help you get your interior work done at a reasonable cost.

strict budget

Imagine a scenario when you liked a beautiful piece of furniture and you instantly bought it. But when you put it in your space, it was just too big and now you regret making the purchase. A designer will ensure something like this doesn’t happen.

A designer has an inventory of secrets that can save you not just money, but also time. They can guide you on what to invest in and what can be avoided. The wealth of knowledge is irreplaceable.

3.   For big renovation projects

Sure, even a local contractor can help you scheme out tearing things down and shifting walls. But there are so many details that need consideration when undergoing major renovations.

renovation project

A designer can help in formulating proper plans to assure that all big and small changes go together well for the final look. They help you in not just styling the space, but they bring in more functionality.

4.   If you want a change

It can truly become overwhelming for a lot of people to shortlist from their selections. You may go for selecting wallpaper for your bedroom, and end up liking 7 and now you don’t know which one to finally go with.

want a change

Designers can help you in avoiding selections that won’t serve you in the long run. They can see the bigger picture. They have better visualization than you. They’re professionals.

5.   When you have a vision but no guidance

You may have an idea of what you want or like, but that shouldn’t keep you from considering hiring a designer. They can help you bring your vision to life in a way that in all likelihood, you couldn’t on your own.


Most designers love creating experiences for people. They love working with clients. Working with a designer is a joint effort.

6.   When you’re short of time

Redecorating a space can be very time-consuming for anyone who’s doing it for the first time. It involves a lot of research and decision-making. And without any technical knowledge, it can stretch your time to complete the work within the stipulated time. Extensive background work is required in terms of the location of the space, or structure, and the available styles. Many minor details need to be considered.

short of time

An interior designer can do all of that for you, in less than half the time and energy that you’d otherwise put in. You need to do very little to almost no research when you have a designer by your side. All the minuscule research that is expected of you is only so you can understand what your designer is proposing and so you can approve it for execution.

7.   When you don’t have reliable resources and contacts

Interior designers not only have their team, but they also have trusted contacts and resources. That’s how they confidently guarantee quality work. Work done by an interior designer will be up to your standards.

no resources or contacts

They help avoid the hassles of finding the right plumber, skilled mason, or carpenter.  They ensure quality output and maintain and coordinate work on schedule.

8.   When you want a visual story

It can’t get any better than having 3D designs at your disposal before you put things into materialization. Interior designers become proficient in what they do with years of training and experience. Whether you want to accept it or not, they have a better visualization of the space than you.

3D design

When you’re deciding on the décor style you want to go with, the designer can help you visualize the result before the work even starts. They can provide you with a visual story that can help you make a more informed decision. It gives you a definite picture of what you should expect.

Without a professional, you don’t know where you should start and how it will end.

Without a designer, the result can be completely different from what you envisioned.

In the end…

All are fine, but if you’re someone who’s in a hurry and want everything done in one day, you SHOULD NOT hire an interior designer. Good designs take time. Not only choosing the right items but even shipping and customizations can take many weeks sometimes.

If you want to move into a new house with some leeway time, with everything set up perfectly and finished, that ain’t happening with an interior designer.  You might as well just purchase readymade furniture and interior items from a store. Sure, it may not look as nice or with a designer’s touch, but you will have a comfortable place to sit and relax.

If my article has added any value to you, do leave some appreciation comments below. If you’re considering hiring an interior designer, don’t forget to consider these factors while choosing the right designer for you.





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