5 Tips on How to Hire the Right Interior Designer

Recently bought a new property and want to shape the interiors up in a specific manner? Do you have a taste for interior design but don’t know how to achieve the look that you desire? Stuck and confused about choosing the right interior designer for your dream home?

You probably would need a professional to help you out.

And what better bet than approaching a skilled interior designer who can not only understand your style but also can help you materialize it?

An interior designer cannot just design your house as per your liking; they can also help you in setting up the right budget for you and get the interior work done within that budget.

I know what you’re thinking.

That’s all cool, Samiksha. But how do we know who is the best designer for us? There are hundreds and thousands of designers out there, all with amazing portfolios. How do we choose the right one among them? How to choose the right interior designer for our house?

What are the parameters to evaluate an interior designer?

That’s a very common question that most new homeowners have. They meet many designers in the process; often take quotes from different designers. And the biggest mistake that most people make is that they blindly go with the one that offers them the lowest quote.

Now, I have been there. I have worked with companies where we are told to pitch the client with the lowest quote, no matter how much it shoots up in the execution stage.

So, let me just wipe off this one parameter completely and tell you what to expect from the interior designer before making the hiring call.

1.    Note Down Your Requirements

Try to be as clear and specific as possible. I often meet prospective clients who are not even sure of what exactly they are looking for. You may be confused about the style of interiors that you want. That’s understandable. But you need to know your basic requirements.

You should know what all the interior services you need. Do you want to also get the false ceiling done? Are there any specific requirements in terms of what all furniture you need in your bedrooms or your living room? Do most of these depend on the budget or the quote? Try to be as transparent with your designer as you can.

Sometimes, the designers can also suggest some new ideas. But they need to have a basic idea of your requirements. The designs will obviously get many tweaks according to the budget or materials during the design and execution phases. But have a clear set of requirements before meeting the designer. They are not going to decide what all you should have in your house. It’s you. They will, however, help you out in understanding the feasibility and practicality of your requirements.

2.    See How Much the Designer Is Willing To Educate You

Oftentimes, the designers propose to you designs which turn out to be not feasible when the design phase starts. And that may leave you disappointed. This is why, whenever I meet with a client, I always educate them about the basic technicalities and challenges that might come when we begin the execution phase and how we can deal with those.

I don’t give them any false hopes or make fake promises. It leads to misunderstandings later on. See if your designer is educating you about the different materials, and finishes available in the market and how they affect the project costs. If they’re missing out on anything, feel free to ask as many questions as you want.

3.    Check Their Portfolio

This is one very important step in how to evaluate an interior designer. See if they have an impressive online presence. Ask them to share previous work pics. See their designs. Those designs may not necessarily match your style or taste, but they will still give you an idea of how flexible the designer is because each client is different and come with unique requirements.

You can also request them for a completed or ongoing site visit. Most designers love to showcase their live projects. It gives them a chance to explain the process and they can introduce you to their team as well.

4.    The Likeability Quotient

You will meet a lot of designers in the process. Many of them will also have great offerings and guaranteed timelines for project completion. These days, a lot of designers are also associated with big interior companies as design partners. They will lure you with limited-period discounts.

Don’t fall for any of it. Go with your gut. If you find a designer who you connect with the best, prioritize them for consideration. Oftentimes, designers may not have better offers, but they would be likeable. They can understand your requirements better and can provide you with customized solutions that other companies and designers cannot.

It’s very important to have a personal connection with your designer.

5.    Set a budget

This one goes without saying. Set up a budget for your home interiors. It’s the only way a designer can guide you on what all scope of work can be covered. Without even a wage idea on your budget, you’re just putting the designer on a spot. Expecting them to present you with a budget, or even a quote is just plain unfitting.

Without an idea of your budget, they don’t know what materials to suggest to you. They may give a high quote which will instantly make you reject the proposal and you will stop taking the designer’s follow-up calls. And if they quote too less, you will doubt their experience or skill or their offerings. Does this sound fair to you to the designer?


Apart from the above-mentioned pointers, you must also see how genuine the designer is. Is he willing to give everything in writing? Is she ready to sign a contract? Communicate with her openly. Be transparent. How much do you want to be involved in the project? What kind of additional bits of help do you need from the designer? You can even keep a note of questions to ask an interior designer before you meet her for the first time. Keep everything straight from the beginning and this way you will promise yourself a positive result.

If you think I have missed out on something or if you want me to give insight on any specific topic related to interior design, do write it down in the comments below.  I hope this article added some value to you.











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