master bedroom

Transforming Your Room with Existing Furniture: A Guide to Interior Design

A lot of times, people want to retain some of their old or existing furniture while interior designing for their new homes.  And as interior designers, it becomes our responsibility to design the space in a manner that the overall interiors complement the old furniture.

It’s not fair to just assume that a complete makeover requires buying new furniture and accessories. However, you can create a stunning and refreshed look for your room by reimagining and rearranging your existing furniture.

With a little creativity and some thoughtful planning, you can transform your space into a stylish and functional haven.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of interior designing a room with existing furniture. I have done it, been doing it, and you can too!

1.     Assess the Current Layout:

Before you begin, take a step back and assess your room’s current layout. Consider the size and shape of the space, the position of doors and windows, and the flow of foot traffic.

This evaluation will help you determine which furniture pieces can be moved around and which ones need to stay in their current location.

For this bedroom, we removed a partition wall between the dresser and the bedroom space. That gave us a longer wall to keep the wardrobe and dresser in a straight line and made the room appear bigger.

master bedroom

2.     Clear the Space:

Start by removing all the unnecessary clutter and items that don’t contribute to the overall design aesthetic.

Clearing the space will give you a blank canvas to work with and allow you to focus on the existing furniture pieces that will serve as your design foundation.

3.     Define Your Style and Vision:

Decide on the style or theme you want to achieve in your room. Whether it’s modern, rustic, minimalistic, or eclectic, having a clear vision will help guide your design choices.

You can take inspiration from interior design magazines, social media platforms such as Pinterest. and many different websites.

For this bedroom design, Mr Anurag already had furniture with an antique look. So, we worked around the wall treatments and new furniture built around that. We kept the overall feel of the room traditional, while also giving a modern touch with the TV unit.

tv unit

4.     Determine the Focal Point:

Identify the focal point of the room. It could be a fireplace, a large window with a beautiful view, or even a statement piece of furniture.

Once you’ve determined the focal point, arrange your existing furniture around it, ensuring that it complements and enhances the focal point rather than competing with it.

Since this was a small room with defined furniture pieces, I guess the focal point of this space would be this articulate bed with amazing carving details.

bed headboard

5.     Rearrange Furniture:

Experiment with different furniture arrangements to create a functional and visually pleasing layout.

Play with angles and perspectives to make the best use of the available space. Consider creating cosy conversation areas, ensuring that seating is arranged to facilitate easy interaction.

6.     Add a Fresh Coat of Paint:

If your budget allows, consider giving the walls a fresh coat of paint. A new colour can dramatically transform the ambience of the room and complement your existing furniture.

Choose a colour that harmonizes with your overall design concept and enhances the mood you want to create.

Here, I chose a shade of green colour since Mr Anurag and his wife were reluctant on using any shade of vanilla white. I think the green wall paint has enhanced the conventional furniture.

green wall paint

7.     Layer with Textures and Accessories:

Enhance the visual appeal of your space by layering with textures and adding accessories. Use rugs, throw pillows, curtains, and artwork to bring depth and personality to the room.

Mix and match different patterns, colours, and textures to create an inviting and visually interesting space.

For this master bedroom, we carefully selected the window blinds and the wallpaper (which I got pasted on the ceiling instead of the regular wall). I did this because the space was already small for the kind of heavy-built- furniture that we had to keep in the room. I believe it was a smart call. A wallpaper with again a heavy design pattern on the wall would’ve given a very enclosed feel to the space.

wallpaper on ceiling

8.     Lighting Matters:

Good lighting is essential to highlight the room’s features and create the desired ambience.

Experiment with different lighting options such as floor lamps, table lamps, and pendant lights.

Consider installing dimmer switches to control the intensity of the light, allowing you to adjust the mood as needed.

9.     Consider Functional Storage Solutions:

If you’re struggling with storage in your room, look for creative ways to integrate functional storage solutions.

Utilize bookshelves, ottomans with hidden compartments, or wall-mounted shelves to keep your space organized and clutter-free.

I added an extra tall Almira in the dressing area for extra storage. In Indian homes, no storage is enough storage.

10.  Don’t Forget the Finishing Touches:

Finally, don’t forget the finishing touches that tie the room together.

Add plants for a touch of nature, display cherished personal items, or incorporate scented candles to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

You can also hang up some family portraits or photographs and create a personalized accent wall.


By harnessing the power of creativity and utilizing your existing furniture, you can transform your room into a beautiful and personalized space.

Through thoughtful arrangement, strategic accessorizing, and attention to detail, you can achieve an interior design that reflects your style and personality.

Embrace the challenge of working with what you have.

Hope this article helped and gave you some insight into how you can décor and design around your existing furniture!

Do let me know if you have any more tips or something that I may have missed out in this article. Would love to see your suggestions.

If you’re looking for a professional interior designer to help you out in setting up your old furniture in your new home, write to me directly at and I would be happy to help!



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